Some guys came and looted our ship today. Killed pretty much everyone, grabbed the Wookie and took off. I was putting on my pants to go see what the ruckus was about when I was knocked out by some hairy Bothan guy. Next thing I knew, I was trussed up like a slave in Mos Eisley and carried off to this piece-of-crap space jalopy.
I got the scoop - the Ithorian told me, because he's not the brightest member of the herd - that they needed the Wookie for a Hutt, who gave them a job, and then it got personal when the Bothan was recognized as a scamming two-bit piece of smuggler Rancor bait. However, it seemed my gang was on the losing side, and while I'm pretty quick, I know when to play dead. I'm not some Twi'lek dancer after all.
He's leaving the ship on some kind of big quest to find his herd and save some mining colony called Capella 3. Whatever. He offered me sanctuary, and his room on this junker, and for some reason that's a bit beyond me, a plant. He's taking the Wookie and they're going on a little adventure. The Ithorian is good to have on my side, the peace-loving planet-farmers. Not much for the Hunt. Herders never are. The peace lover has promised that I'll come to no harm. For some reason, I believe him. It's probably the plant.
As for me, I don't care what the Bothan did to peeve the Bomus. Not my concern. Chekkoos don't care much for Bomus. Besides, I just joined up to piss off my parents. Thought I'd hit space, vivist exotic locations, maybe put some notches on my holster... But instead I wound up on Nar Shadda , assisting in the most stupid move of my life - I mean, seriously, who in their right mind tries to kidnap a Wookie???
So about this ship - it's Corillian, so it shouldn't fall out of the sky. And if it did, there's nothing on this ship that I can't fix with a piece of chamba and some carbon wrap. The Bothan smells better than a Wookie and if the complaints lodged against him are true, he should be able to fly this thing on the edge of a quantum whirpool. There's also some human guy with them. There's something funny about him. And I could swear that he's carrying either a really fancy, antiquated torch or else it's one of those legendary Jedi weapons. I'm not going to ask about it - like I said - I'm no Twi'lek dancer.
Ok, the hammerhead just came back, so I'm going to stow this datapad and go with him to meet my new pals. I'll check back after the next fight...